Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ammar in Tahun 1 and Amin in Smart Reader

Just an update.. Ammar is in Sec 9 Primary School, he is Ketua darjah and is currently coping
well with his new school. He enjoying singing and looking for to Saturdays..
Amin is stuck in a Smart Reader school for another year and will insyallah join Ammar in 2010.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

With Amirah

The restukids with kakak Amirah
Baru habis makan OK la tuuu

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad week for the restukids..

Amin n Ammar had bad cold last week.
Ammar had a cold n ear infection and Amin had a bad chest cold.
Alhamdullilah they recovering fine..after a strong round of antibiotic.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Moving home

The restu kids are moving home this weekend nearby.
Lots of packing and cleaning.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Atfer a 3 days holiday..

Another 3 day weekend with the Restu Kids..
Ammar & Amin was all ready to go back to Resti Kids school but..
Amin had a terrible tummy ache and had to be sent to Dr Zaini for treatment.
Diagnose ..perut kembong with lots of stuff that have not come out..hehhe.
Medicine was given to relivevd the pain and remove excess stuff. back home after a few minutes he fell asleep, woke up ate what was in his lunch box. Now awaiting him to go to toilet.
After a plate of roti canai and a glass of warm Milo. Amin went to toilet and Alhamdullilah he is fine.
Ammar said Izz was sad because he lost his sharpener today.

Later just past Magrib, Amin put on his copiah and ask me to go down to pray at the surau. I told him insyallah tomorrow when we come back a bit early. This come from Amin who is turning just 5 years old in March.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today PTA / CEO meeting at Restukids

Today there should be a meeting at 10 am at Restukids.

Parents came with mummy out numbering fathers as usual. CEO Datuk gave his insight and aspiration on Restu Kids, with plans to expand. The parents put in thier fair share of complains and suggestions for the improvement of Restu Kids.
I forgot to bring up the nutrition valve of the Cafe food for the kids..next time.
They serve lunch nasi tomato for the parents, TQ to the Yayasan.

Tok Ayah was pleased with his cucu Ammar and Amin, he coulod he the vast imporvement in both of them especially in the religion aspect. I am too am glad Alhamdulillah.